What the modern world needs to bring back: A Love Letter.

if you are in your mid-20s you must’ve heard of how hard lovers used to communicate to each other back then, either you hear it from your grandpa, professor, or elder around your neighborhood.

Ekky Wicaksana
2 min readSep 28, 2021
Photo by Ire Photocreative on Unsplash

I believe love letter is necessary and needs to be hype up again since lovers nowadays are only thinking about hooking up and sex. But if you realized, whenever you heard the story of how hard it is back then to interact, and show how much they love each other it was kinda sweet. When the story ended, you must’ve been in awe of how their struggles led them to be together and became a soulmate eventually.

Old-fashioned lovers used to make beliefs, share their dreams with their significant other, and build their dream life together. Compare to what we have now, it somehow bothers me.

Nowadays lovers still have some similarities like exchanging catchphrases and stuff in terms of to know and shows how much they love each other, but technology really took the effort away, and made waiting are not a consideration anymore.

Made us love to rush things and worst, rush love.

You can’t rush in terms of love. You gotta know what’s your crush insecurities are, what makes them happy, and what makes them human beings.

And it all takes time, you happy and excited. And sometimes, you are sad and scared. Those ups and downs are “leads” on whether you are okay with them as they are or not.

Love letters teach us how to wait. How to love and feel everything deeply.

That’s the beauty of it, the beauty of love.

You can’t rush love.

Or else, it will rust

Since it’s just a mere lust.



Ekky Wicaksana

Welcome, to my thoughts during a journey of constantly rediscovering myself.